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  • Writer's pictureBrian Mason

In a perfect world, Evaluators share with us how well things are going (or not).

As we learn to operate according to our own, unique design, we begin to find meaning and purpose in our efforts. Each human design is uniquely suited to dismantle the effects of capitalism and consumerism. When all five designs begin to operate in harmony, the effects will be tremendously beneficial for world. Deeply understanding and embodying your unique human design can free you of the guilt and shame that comes from these unspoken expectations.

From the moment we enter the school system, we’re asked to envision what we want to “be” when we grow up. In our society today, we’re taught that our identities are inextricably bound up with how we earn money. But what about little Evaluator kids, with an open, undefined sense of who they are and their fluid approach to life's direction and purpose?

As an Evaluator, you live openly and without a concrete knowing of who you really are. You are incredibly unique in this way—you are among only 1% of the population. Because of this, you are not designed to have a consistent, fixed approach to the flow of your energy or interests.

Being flexible and malleable with your identity is the core of your experience as a Evaluator.

You find that you may not have a fixed path in life. This does not mean that you are aimless or lost. It only means that you are meant to experience many different directions and identities over the course of your existence.

You may find yourself able to connect and reflect back the core of someone else’s being quite naturally. This can make you highly empathetic since it can allow you to step into the shoes of another person.

You are here to become wise about the themes of Identity — namely the themes of purpose, direction, and love. You can serve as an example to others that you can wander without being lost, that experiencing lots of different directions and identities can make for an incredibly rich human experience, and that the expectations we’re conditioned by can be restrictive and stifling, and that another way is always possible.

The path of picking a major when in your mid-to late teens, going to college, getting a job in the same field you got a degree in, and working in that same field all your life until retirement or death is not the only path.

When you find yourself repeating the Evaluator reverse mantra, “If I don't have a clear path in life, there's something wrong with me”, remember, you're here to be an example to others to rediscover the sacredness of the human experience.

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